Industry: Healthcare
Platforms: Desktop
UI/UX Designer
Service Designer
Product Manager
UX Researcher
4 Engineers
Role: UI/UX Designer
Icario is a website that specializes in personalized health communications. Iridium is the system that internal teams use to consolidate specific organizations within Icario. I designed a system within Iridium that reduces user error and simplifies the process of recognizing the status of specific contacts.
I helped identify specific user needs by performing comparative analyses, workflows, wireframes, and high-fidelity mockups, with A/B testing being the final step.
User Engagement Studies
User Engagement Studies
Icario Connect uses data science, behavioral research, multi-channel tools, and smart rewards and incentives to help you connect personally with your members.
They perform proprietary behavioral research and quantitative data to advance knowledge of members from quantitative to qualitative.
The Problem: Outdated Data Intake
Heuristic Analysis
Advantages: Organizing Data, Multiple User Access
Spreadsheets are frequently the go to tool for collecting and organizing data, which is among the simplest of its uses.Disadvantages: User Bias, Lack of Security, Error Prone
Spreadsheets are not secure and therefore at a greater risk for data corruption and or mismanagement of information. Files that contain sensitive information are not safe from specific users inputting/editing information.
User Interviews
We aimed to understand:
Their pain points during the user journey
Their habits when searching for specific data
The interview with stakeholders has helped us learn their perspectives and understand the Saas user journey. However, after not getting the amount of response we needed from our survey, we decided to reach out to our target group personally.
Comparative Analysis
Hubspot Analysis
Airtable Analysis
Analysis of features used:
Use of high contrast components
Vertically Aligned sidebar
Use of Containers for data sets
Icons for certain features
Features that are unique to some Saas products analyzed:
Color coded containers (VWO)
Icons with text (Quickbooks)
Side bar with detailed user information (Hubspot)
Event timeline for updated user info (Hubspot)
Text Including Icons
This makes navigation easier, but it also takes up more space.
It’s always a trade-off with global navigation menus because you want them to hold as many links as possible. They should be truly “global” across the entire SaaS interface.
Insights from User Testing included:
Improve navigation by introducing the back button and breadcrumbs.
Increase credibility through establishing coherence of different pages of the website.
Have more precise UX copy throughout the website, particularly CTAs and buttons.
Optimize filtering options according to persona.
Modernize the overall look of the website and have it address the persona.
We used this feedback in our next step; ideation and design.
Design System
Design System
The first step in designing the high-fi prototype was to update Icario’s branding. We knew that the company didn’t want to make a drastic change. So, we kept the key elements such as colors and typography almost intact by only playing with the shades while introducing an additional typeface. The slide, titled “Style Tile” shows a tile that displays key branding elements of the new Icario website such as the new logo, typefaces, color scheme as well as images.
The final mood board reflected Icario’s goal to tap into their customer’s feelings throughout their journey. We had more freedom when it came to the image style, forms, and overall layout. We aimed to highlight Icario’s brand’s personality while keeping in mind how buying a new home can be an emotional experience. The Slide, titled Design System, shows the design elements such as typography, buttons with their states, usage of color to inform users and other UI elements such as cards.
Having a comprehensive design system made it easier for us to collaborate and delegate work, ensuring that the result is a coherent prototype. Following the guide we created for Icario’s new branding, we built our design system to ensure a coherent and flexible implementation.
High Fidelity Mockups
In our final prototype, we made sure to implement in our high-fi prototype the feedback we got from both the users and stakeholders:
We made the questionnaire shorter and added the opportunity to skip the steps to enable the users to complete their profiles later.
We also included the property search menu on the top navigation bar for users that would prefer searching by using filters.
We added breadcrumbs, simplified and clarified CTAs, and made navigation between pages easier.
A/B Testing
In our final prototype, we made sure to implement in our high-fi prototype the feedback we got from both the users and stakeholders:
We made the questionnaire shorter and added the opportunity to skip the steps to enable the users to complete their profiles later.
We also included the property search menu on the top navigation bar for users that would prefer searching by using filters.
We added breadcrumbs, simplified and clarified CTAs, and made navigation between pages easier. We simplified the dashboard by taking away the collaboration with agents feature following our discovery that agents’ hectic schedules would make it hard to implement it.
In conclusion, I helped identify specific user needs by creating comparative analyses, workflows, wireframes, and high-fidelity mockups, with A/B testing being the final step.